March 2nd, 2016

Blog - The Pen & Camera - Gratitude Journal, Inspirational, Friendship, Writing, Motherhood, Denver, Colorado - Molly Rees Photo - Documentary Childhood Photography - boy sleeping on raspberry quilt by M. Menschel

Thank you for the spontaneous decision to bake a chocolate cake.  For Karina stopping by without her kids on her way home from the hospital, a rare moment of just the two of us alone in the kitchen, mixing frosting and relating to each other in that way that validates feelings and experiences.  And then Eloise joining us to sit at the kitchen table and eat cake.

Thank you for the overwhelming swell of love I felt for Julian tonight as I held him sleeping in my arms.  The calm, physical ache of its presence, filling all parts of me until I couldn’t hold the immensity of it, and it spilled outward and filled the entire room with its yearning.  His hot little body, still with a fever, not wanting to lay him down.  Feeling like I could sit there and hold him all night long, just watching the exquisite beauty of his face while he slept.