Your Camera + you

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join new friends for a 5 WEEK OUTDOOR photography CLASS this fall!

Mondays from 4 - 5:30pm, beginning October 5

In this 5 week course, we will take a simple approach towards learning the basic camera settings that will allow you to have complete creative control over your photography.

This is not just a “how to use your camera” class.

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this photography class is about:

having a voice

having an opinion

finding new ways of expressing yourself

creating space for yourself to explore what inspires you

seeing the world around you, seeing yourself, and making yourself seen through your photographs

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Learn to shoot in manual mode - which means - learning about ISO, shutter speed, aperture, focus and exposure, so that you can use your camera as a creative tool for self-expression.

Learn about the basic visual elements of strong imagery. How to frame a photo, how to use light to your advantage, how to see color, gesture, emotion.

Learn about yourself. Spend time discovering who you are as an artist, exploring how you see the world around you, learning how to use photography to express your inner self in an outward way.

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each week we will focus on:

building a technical knowledge of how to take photos using your camera’s manual settings

a Lesson on a specific visual aspect of photography

practicing the skills you are learning (shooting practice!)

exploring and identifying aspects of your personal artistic vision

a shooting assignment with opportunity for review and q&a in a private facebook group


After this course, you will have a working knowledge of:

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  • Four weeks of in-person class at an outdoor location (weather permitting) in Boulder, CO

  • Fifth week of class will be a 1 - 2 hour critique and discussion of your photographs taken throughout the course. Week 5 will take place either in-person or online, TBD

  • Class is limited to 8 people

  • This course requires you to have use of a DSLR camera with manual settings

  • Course fee is $120

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this class is for anyone!

no previous photo experience required

you will need use of a DSLR camera with a lens somewhere in the 24 mm - 50mm range

bring a sibling and you’ll get 50% discount off the course fee!

bring a friend and you’ll get 25% off the course fee!

limited to 8 participants

due to COVID-19, masks will be required and we will socially distance when possible



Molly Menschel is a professional photographer who has worked with photography students from all over the world. She has four children and has worked extensively with youth and young adults, teaching audio recording and oral history, facilitating teen support groups, teaching environmental education, leading wilderness expeditions designed for self-discovery and personal growth. She has co-led multi-media photography workshops and offers photography classes and individual mentoring, both in-person and online. Her philosophy of teaching focuses on guiding artists to connect with their own form of inspiration. In her photography classes she emphasizes shooting from a place of inner listening, identifying the visual and emotional elements that draw you to making certain photos, and learning how to see the world around you in a new way.